The Dispatcher is a benefit of membership in the railway foundation. A copy of the quarterly is normally mailed to each member's house each January, April, July and October.
100th birthday for El Dorado County's locomotive icon
April marks the 100th birthday of the Diamond & Caldor No. 4 Shay locomotive. Watch this blog and the newsletter for news of events that will honor the No. 4's century of service to El Doado County.
An exhibit at the El Dorado County Library will kick off the celebration. The library has graciously reserved the month of March for the railway.
The planned exhibit will feature scenes centered around the locomotive's three lives -- as an active steam engine on the Diamond & Caldor Railway, a historic artifact on display at the El Dorado County Fair and under renovation for the past 14 years.
You can view the exhibit from March 1 to 31 at the library (325 Fair Lane, Placerville, California). Please call the library at (530) 621-5723 for hours and information.
Join the effort to restore the Diamond & Caldor No. 4 today
To join our effort to renovate the Diamond & Caldor No. 4 Shay locomotive and to build and operate an El Dorado County Logging and Railroad Museum, send $35 (check or money order) for individual membership to:
PO Box 3517
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
Family membership costs $60, corporate $100 and life membership is $500 for individual or family and $1,000 for a business. Annual membership runs from January to December.
Won't you please join our effort for the 2007 renovation season and help us celebrate the 100th anniversary of the D&C No. 4 Shay?
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